The center is owned, in part, by the physicians. The physician(s) who referred you to this center and who will be performing your procedure(s) may have a financial and ownership interest. Patients have the right to be treated at another health care facility of their choice. We will be very happy to discuss those alternatives with you. Just call us at (918) 524-1600.
Physicians who currently have privileges at our center: Dr. Cox, Dr. Peters, Dr. Brockman, Dr. Goldberg, Dr. Chamberlain, Dr. Siddiqui, Dr. Corbett, Dr. Sangal, Dr. Bhatia, Dr. Priester, Dr. Briggs, Dr. Hasbrook.
Sandeep Bhatia
M.D. Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma Specialist
Thomas M. Briggs
M.D. General Ophthalmology
M. Chad Chamberlain
D.O. Cataract Surgery, Functional and Cosmetic Oculoplastic Procedures
Daniel J. Corbett
M.D. Cornea and External Disease, Refractive Surgery
Shannon Cox
M.D. Oculoplastics
Marc A. Goldberg
M.D. Corneal Surgery, Refractive Surgery
Madeleine A. Hasbrook
M.D. Cataract Surgery, General Ophthalmology, Glaucoma Specialist
Walter Peters
M.D. Cataracts, Refractive Surgery
Neha Sangal
M.D. Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma Specialist
Jamal D. Siddiqui
M.D. Cataracts, Comprehensive Ophthalmology